2021 – Academic Conferences

2 febbraio 2021
Laurence Sterne, Vita e opinioni di Tristram Shandy, gentiluomo (1759-1767) OPERE MONDO
Patrizia Nerozzi Bellman
Locandina (.pdf)
Casa della Cultura, Via Borgogna 3 – Milano
2017 – Academic Conferences
Conflict in the Periodical Press, Sixth Annual Conference of the European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit). 28-30 June 2017, IULM (International University of Languages and Media), Milan
Professor Patrizia Nerozzi Bellman has organized many international conferences, among which: “Congenialità e traduzione” (May 1996); “Internet e le Muse” (November 1996); “Le comunità virtuali e i saperi umanistici” (November 1997); “Il viaggio e la scrittura” (May 1999); “Arts and Literature in e-Publishing” (October 1999); “games@IULM” (May 2006, in collaboration with Stanford University).
ESPRit Conference – Conflict in the Periodical Press (28-30 June 2017)
Interview at www.radiopolifemo.iulm.it
Conference Highlights
ESPRit Conference (Milan, 28-30 June 2017)
There is often an inherently militant aspect to the promulgation of ideologies in the periodical press. However, the spectacularization of conflict accompanying recent events – the in/out rhetoric of Brexit reporting and the representation of some policies on immigration, for instance – has made this key feature of the periodical press particularly visible and urgent.